Wednesday, February 9, 2011

today i puked for the first time in about 3 weeks. i don't think this has happened since this started over 2 years ago. though puking isn't the most fun activity in the world, i am happy with this progress and i didn't feel defeated when i threw up. this is all a first in an unbelievably long time. so i do believe that i am making good progress toward recovery and getting over this annoying disease. this makes me so happy, i feel like maybe i wont be stuck with this forever. it still gets annoying telling every new person i meet why i'm not in school and explaining exactly what is wrong with me, and hopefully i won't have to that when i get to college. speaking of which i got accepted to my number one school. so im pretty psyched. i pray that i am able to go and be able to experience college for all that its worth. not have to put aside my adult life and my life in general on hold. stay strong gpers.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

hey everybody.
i've been so happy to be getting so many emails from you readers. i makes me so happy that i'm effecting people's lives and that i can help them get some answers and possibly feel a little better. so to all of you with questions dont forget my email is i will answer ANY question, dont be afraid to ask, i'll get back to you asap.
so as they stomach goes i've been feeling so much better by getting a lot of the stress out of my life. if you can eliminate some of the things in life that give you anxiety DO IT! it has helped me alot. so has just living. i've been so tired of being kept up in my house that i've been going out and doing as much as i can whenever i can. it doesnt tend to keep my mind of my stomach. i'm tired of not living my life and doing the things i want because of this stupid disease. sometimes you have to stand up to the things that bring you down. i hope you all are doing okay. thanks for reading as always, and dont forget to ask me your questions!
screw you gastoparesis.
you cant beat me.