Tuesday, July 20, 2010

hey everybody,
i hope all is feeling well. i sure am not. since the last post i have still struggled with my stomach, and throwing up. i just cant seem to get out of this slump. its terrible. this hasnt happened in such a long time.
so today is day 1 of my "self- endurance training" a.k.a. me running everyday. ive heard from a lot of GPers that running and being active helps their stomach. now i couldnt handle doing dance for more than an hour but right now i need to build up my strength and endurance for this upcoming year of danceline//colorguard. Its my last year and i made captain so i need to be able to do everything im asked. so im going to go for a run//walk everyday. im really hoping that itll work out for the best.

stay strong.


Silkybow said...

Nice blog, I want to have a run sometimes too but I am such a lazy girl :(

Brianna Renee said...

kudos to you! i love running & being active too and I can say from my experience running/walking has never failed to help settle/balance my stomach.