Thursday, April 22, 2010

wake up in the morning....... not feeling like p.diddy

hello my lovely readers,
so...ever since the beginning of this whole stomach mess, the morning has been the absolute worst time of the day for me. if i have to get up early i am literally paralyzed in nausea and can hardly get out of my bed. every morning this happens when i have to wake up early, no matter what, even if i felt great the day before and even several days before. it is the most frustrating thing in the entire world, and nothing seems to fix it, except going back to sleep to numb the nausea away. thats why i cannot go to school, but when i did i would only go for a half day. this is also why i haven't gone to my college class at 9:30 in sooo very long. i feel so frustrated and i do everything in my power to get up and go, but its really is physically impossible.

so i ask...
does anyone else have this problem?!
let me know.


Cara said...

My 2 year old son has GP, and I found your blog via a google alert set up for "gastroparesis". My son DEFINITELY has a hard time in the morning as you described, and he typically gets up around 5:30 or 6am. (Boy, I wish he'd sleep in a bit!) He's not quite old enough to understand what nausea means or to tell me exactly how he feels, but I'm pretty sure you've just described it. I wish I had some great advice for how to make it better, but we're still struggling to figure that out here, too. We're just struggling in general-the erythromycin and domperidone aren't helping, and he's getting an NG tube placed as soon as we get it scheduled. Thank you so much for sharing your GP journey. It has been such a big help to me to read about others going through since my son can't tell me all the details just yet. Just wanted to send some hugs your way. Hang in there!

Megan Welch said...

I have this problem too! I hate it... most definitely sucks. My nausea is worse in the mornings and at night. Have you tried sleeping kind of sitting up? One of the many doc's I've seen said to place the head of your bed on like bricks or something... that it helps with the reflux, which can cause alot of nausea. Maybe try that? and see if it helps?

Cortney-Erin said...

Cute blog! I know exactly what you are talking about. It's terrible for me because when I wake up with nausea some mornings it means i'm probably going to have a really "bad" day and that involves nausea. Sometimes eating no later then 6 pm helps for me or sleeping propped up on pillows. Both are not fun, but seem to help on some days.

Cyn said...

I was just diagnosed with GP after over a year of stomach issues. I have hypotyroidism. Dr said that is what caused it. I am in the "pitty party" stage. Still crying and trying to figure it out. I am 37 years old with 2 teenage sons. My hubby is supportive and understands when I can only eat soup! My reg Dr suggested digestive enzymes....going to try those next. I decided NOT to try Reglan cause of all the side effects. Praying we all get better from the disease that has no cue :(

Anonymous said...

The morning is the worst for stomach pain and bloating. I always feel so gross when I wake up. There is always something still sitting in my stomach. Even taking some Domperidone at night doesn't seem to help.
Is there anything I can change to stop this from happening?
I'm so glad other people are out there who understand how annoying living with gastroparesis is. My family is pretty dismissive.

Anonymous said...

First of all, hear me out...I want you to know that I tried EVERY med and technique the doctors said....i found thid blog post while surfing my tablet in the morning because i was too sick to get up because of my gastroparesis i can relste...anyways, after trying everything else, a friend suggested marijuana since cancer patients use it for the same symptoms...i had never tried a "drug" in my life before i tried REALLY works! Please keep in mind that i had been dealing with these horrible symptoms for 6 (SIX) whole months, tried everything the doctors said (with NO success), and litterally 2-3 puffs later, the symptoms COMPLETELY go away! I swear i wouldnt normally advocate this (especially in states where medicinal marijuana is still illegal), but it really really works...and i just dont want anyone to suffer anymore. Thank you for reading :-)