Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tips to help that tummy feel good!

hey my lovelies,
i wanted to share some tips that i've learned over the years to help me get through my nausea and feel better. so here they are!

1. Keep busy && distracted. Always have something to do. Don't just lay around and fee sorry for yourself. I don't mean run around and go to the gym, do something like get on the computer, play a game, or create something. Get involved with something other than your stomach.

2. Surround yourself with positive thoughts. Don't sit around and feel sorry for yourself. Think about good things that have happened, and plans in the future. Think about the good points of your day and not the bad.

3. Be with the people you love. Love is a wonderful medicine. Don't be by yourself. Its great to be surrounded by people who care about you and that you can share your frustration and hurt. People are great distractions.

4. Get a pet. This is a tip that has seriously helped me so much. I got my puppy Gemma this summer and she has been my angel. She is always by my side. She keeps me company and loves me no matter what. She sleeps with me so i always have someone there. Dogs are great stress relievers and amazing companions. so get yourself a nice fluffy animal to cuddle up with.

5. Keep warm. Snuggle up with a blanket and put a heating pad on your tum. It feels really nice and helps your tummy muscles relax.

6. Drink fluids if you cant eat. you wont get dehydrated as easily with nothing in your stomach. they go down easier and wont make you as sick as big solid food.

7. Always believe in yourself. Keep strong and remind yourself that you can get through this. Tell yourself it could be worse and that you are beautiful. Your mind a such a powerful tool and you can make yourself believe anything.

8. Just relax. Everything is going to be ok. God has his plan for you, so just life your life the best you can.

Hope these can help you guys.
I'll be posting more tips as i discover them.
hope you are all feeling good!


julianne. said...

You are amazing....I knew you were special the minute I laid my eyes on you after you born. Dad and I are very proud of you and are with you all the way...side by side, our family. It is not going to be like this forever. Stay strong chin up and remember the world is yours!

I LOVE YOU <3 <3 <3

mikelle said...

Hello, have a nice day :)

Unknown said...

OMG, this helped me so much today. I've struggled with gastroparesis for 7 yrs without diagnosis. I have a g-tube now and only have liquid formula and Gatorade, dripped slowly into my stomach 24/7, but I can only have so little, and drip it so slowly (because otherwise I will throw up) that I have been starving for the past two months and already lost 24 lbs. I have no energy and don't even have the concentration usually to read or watch movies or anything and so it's really hard for me to keep myself busy and positive. But your list helped. BTW, I have a blog too: npo.weebly.com