helllo loves,
so tomorrow is the start of the big trip to baltimore to see dr. linda lee. we are leaving around 9am, dropping off the pups, and going down. im so sad that my gemma has to stay at the kennel its nearly bringing me to tears. i know i will cry when we drive away, and when i go to bed without her.
the appointment i not until 9 am friday morning, but we'd figure we'd make the best out of the journey and have some fun. i cant wait to eat some crab since i can and its one of my favorite foods. im very excited, minus the fact that i wont have my boyfriend or pup pup.
i'm very excited excited to see want dr lee has to say. especially since recently ive been throwing up a ridiculous amount. like tonight driving to drop off my boyfriend i threw up three times, and three of my biggest throw ups to date. i cant even believe i had that such junk in my stomach. its awful. puking on the side of the road is not particularly fun, especially when youre puking your life out.
i will blog every once of information i get on friday, and about everything she says.
wish me luck my dear friends and stay healthy.